Monday, November 30, 2009

Yep yep everything is good here. I've seen Jimmy a few times and its pretty fun with all the missionaries. They're all great. Last week we had our first Pday and I have some sweet pictures for ya'll to look at. haha o and last week I forgot to tell you one thing. TRaffic here is crazy!!!!!! the people drive like maniacs! here in Jinotega there are no stoplights only stop signs. Cars pass eachother on tiny narrow streets and motorcycles drive crazy!(tons of moto´s cause they are cheap)

This past weekend was awesome! We had two baptisms and I did one of them! It was cool doing it in spanish. The great thing was that both of them were kinda suprises for us. The lttle old man (viejito) Sebastian was supposed to leave for the mountains to work and cut coffee but he ended up staying for one more week to have a doctors appointment. We were able to baptise him with that little extra time! We found out that he isn't a pair (pareja) with the lady we thought was his wife. That means we didn't have to get him married before the baptism and all that!

The other baptism was a mujer named Damaris. Two weeks ago we had commited her to baptism and the interview was made and all was set to go. We filled the font and everything and then the night before she had a lot of doubts and didn't want to be baptized. We gave her some time to think about it and we went back last Thursday and talked with her. That morning I had been thinking about her and how we could help her. When we went to her house my companion had me do the lesson and share the scriptures I had in mind. It was pretty suprising to me that he did that but it went super super well. The spirit was there and after I talked with her Elder Millian asked her what she thought she needed to do next. She replied voy a bautizarme (I go to baptize myself). I was shocked because I really didn't say very much to her but the spirit carried the message to her heart 1ne 31:1 (i think lol) I really do have a testimony that the spirit will bring to mouth the things you need to say in the very moment it is needed, and that the spirit uses the knowledge that you have from studying during personal and companion study. The same day those things are brought to mind. I know this work is the work of the Lord and there is no doubt in my mind of the great importance of it in His eyes.

Well, hope all is well up there! PS we need to set up a day and a time for our phone call this month! When is good for yall?? When are the kids all out of school and dad off work so we can call? I can call you or I can give you a number and you can call me, its up to you. Well ttyl. Love you all!!!!

PS nevermind on the pictures this comp is slow. Ill try next weeek. Love ya

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Here's the latest from Jon:

Hey hey all is great here in Nicaragua!!! I love it so far! WEll first things after the flight we went through some security and stuff and it was hard cause no one speaks english lol. We met the Mission President Fraatz and his wife. Then we hoped in the car and the took us to a hotel to stay the night. They bought us dinner but we didnt have cubiertos so we ate with our hands lol. The food here is way way super good! Rice and beans nearly every meal lol. Usually chicken too but if not then its scrambled eggs and ham. the drinks are way great too. I dont really know any of the names of plates or anything yet cuase the language is hard! ¨this aint the language they taught me at the mtc¨ !! lol its coming though. For the most part i am able to understand people but replying to them is difficult. They dont pronounce their s here so it makes it hard to hear. (try talking in eng without an s) well the country is way beautiful! everythings is suepr green and awesome mountains and hills. Anyways so the country is super pretty. Its just like the movies too. All the house are super smashed together and so small! im a tall person here lol. all the house are built into the sides of the hills all piled on top of eachother like on the hulk haha. Lets see. Our casa. It is way way small in the bathroom there is no room the toilet is like 7 inches away from the opposite wall which makes it hard to use lol. The shower is way dirty and the water is so so sosoosososo cold!!! lol but it wakes ya up in la maƱana. The floors are so dirty you have to have at least socks on. there are always little bugs in our house as with every house. We have these tiny lil bugs kinda look like ants but i dunno. At first i would sweep em off my bed but now i dont really care haha. i sleep on my towel and sweatshirt as my pillow. Its pretty much always hot so no need for much covers. Its way humid and i sweat all day long but its worth it for sure. Im in a smaller town in the mountains called Jinotega. Its way cool up here temperature wise. im gettin a pretty good tan alredy. Well its only a branch up here but we are hoping to become a ward pronto. the members are way way way nice and very humble. A lto of them will be traveling to the temple this week to do endowments that is way awesome for sure. The branch presidents wife coooks our lunch and dinner most days and then on Sunday and one other day of the week we walk up the highway a bit for the meal with a member. and we eat like one or two meals a week at another members house. its grand. I love the food here. we only eat luch and dinner everyday lol so usually im way hungry but my body and stomach are learning it.
So i gues your package is already here. Ill get it tommorw at our district meeting. Im pretty excited to open it!
Ya Jonny Roberts still works at the Kopper kettle? hmm ok ok and ya i heard about zack and amanda lol. The apartment sent me a letter at the mtc and chris told me that they are practically engaged lol but i dunno. so you got rid of the dog in two months huh? lol well ok ok.
Well Ryan and Rachel great job on your drawings Love ya!

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Hey mom and Family and Friends!

Gooooood news: We got our flight plans last night!!! I'm so super stoked! we leave here at 6 am next monday. Our flight to Atlanta is at 940. Then we have a 2 or so hour layover. ill be in that airport at like 3 or 330 Atlanta time. So ill call you then and ill probably call while at the airport here too. then we fly straight to Managua and arrive there at 9 something. Its gonna be so great!

Well, just to let you know, I'm sick right now. I've been sick for about two weeks. It started as a cold. then it went away. then last Friday i got a bad cough. Now I'm on antibiotics, benadryl and an inhaler. So hopefully I'll be better soon!

Well sounds like aaron and ryan are having a lot of fun and not fighting as much as they used to (ya?) that is good that they are exercising. Exercise keeps you mentally stable as much as physically.
Mom you gotta stop having those senior moments. Its not good for you!! lol .. i really hope your leg starts getting better. I wonder if there is some kind of surgery you could even do? no se.
well everything is going well here. Just got done with the temple. It was good and its our last time going for 2 years!

Well we get another new district tomorrow night 6 elders 4 sisters. We are in charge of their orientation and teaching them about the MTC. pretty crazy. We will have 9 sisters in our zone. President Morton thinks that is the most we've ever had at once.

Well, can't wait to get that package .. well, love you all

Love you rae rae ry ry air air and jor jor

Love Elder Jonathan Thorpe

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Hola, Well how is it all going over there? hopefully your getting over your sicknesses. I just got finished with my cold and cough so im feeling great now! Well, two of the Elders that are from the two older districts that have already left our zone are still here. Elder jones becuase he had surgery on his foot and Elder Powell because he doesnt have his visa until the 14th so they are staying with our district. They are staying in the two beds that we had open which is perfectly fine with me. It is just wierd having 2 more companions again. Especially in these small rooms and with all the junk we all have it gets pretty tight. Well, we get our flight plans this week! im pretty excited and just a tiny bit nervous too. I talked to a guy who served in Nicaragua last week but we ddint have a lot of time to talk. He just said that we are going to love it there. I know we will love it and we are working hard to be ready for the people we are going to meeet there. Im ready.