Wednesday, September 8, 2010

hey hey everything is going very well here. Im still here in the
heart of managua in las palmas. This week we have changes on
wednesday! wow and they already told us who is going to have changes.
IM kinda bummbed out right now becuase i know that they are going to
change me companion! we been doing great here and we get along so
well. Ive never gotten along with a companion so well.

Wow so the house must be pretty lonely these days huh? thats so weird
to think that there are only 3 kids in the house.. Thats one room
each! ahaha wow. I hope jordan is doing well over there in byu sounds
like hes already having a blast. G

Everything is going really well here. Trying to be the best leader i
can be. Glad to hear that you are always going to the temple. Its
way important that you go as often as posible to `keep close to the

Well so we have a family that we ahve been teaching and they ahve
gone about 6 times to church already. Theyre really prepared but the
husband has to get divorced from his wife frst so that they can get
amrried and be a legal couple. They are really motivated to keep the
commandments of God and complete with all that we teach.

well i hope all goes well this week. I dont have much time to write
soo ill see yall next week!!

Great to hear grandpa is doing well. Tell him i love him,

Love, Jon!
ps. Good luck dad!

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Hey hey!
Thanks for the birthday congrats,, I did have a really good birhtday. Everyone was giving me presents and i wasnt even expecting it! haha Some missionaries gave me ties and members gave me hankercheifs and random stuff. All of the members in the little section where we live bought me a cake and craked and egg over my head(its a tradition here). . Glad to know you ate a cake in my honor ;()

Wow so grandpas doing not so well? aw i sure hope it was just a one day thing. Wow its crazy how fragile life is. I never really thought about it that much until now taht Grandpa has had some troubles . Hope is ok.

Too bad karen isnt answering your calls. MAybe theres some other reason behind it but just keep trying to be a great friend and example to her.

WEll everthing is going really well here. WE were able to get 100% retention of the recent converts this month 16 out of 16 have gone at least 1 time to church. Thats pretty exciting. WE also had 7 investigators but werent the ones that we were expecting ahah..

Weve found a few more families to work with and hope that they will really understand this message and begin to visit and prepare to be baptized. This weeekend 28th we are going to have an acitivity, The Titanic! its going to be based on the family relationships and how the parents especilally the fatheres have a big role in the lives of the children. Its going to be great but we are a bit worried about building the ship! we need wood lol..

Well jsut so you now im all healthy and all. We paly baasket ball and soccer everymorning to get some excersise but i havent lost the weight im looking for ( i weigh 152 pounds!) wow im getting way fat mom i have a big beer gut. ahha im gonna try to fix thatt.

Welll other tan that all is good. thanks for the letter and everything!

Love you all Take care and stay out of trouble!!!