Wednesday, January 27, 2010

wow sounds like y'all are having tons of fun up in Yucaipa! Cancelled school and snow I'm jealous right now.. I wanna come up and go sledding! haha. . . Well thanks for your prayers and love and support and my name on the prayer roll. I really need all the support I can get !! There's lots of work to be done here . .

Don't worry about sending a hymn book in Spanish.. Ive got one no worries. I don't think there is anything else that I need in the package. Nothing specific that I'm absolutely dying to have.

The weather has been good here. The storm passed up to you guys and we've had sunny weather. Hotttt sunny weather. I'm healthy and in good shape. The work is going well and im learning how to teach and do everything in Spanish (it could have helped if I had known how to teach in English beforehand haha). Everything's going great here. This week is our last week of the month to have baptisms.... we have 5 and need 5 more to make our goal!! i know we can do it we just need to work smart.

Tell Ryan I totally would have gone down the hill with him! and tell rachel that i laughed for a few minutes when i read that she fell in the pool!!! :) Tell Jordan HAPPY BIRTHDAY BIG 18 wowowww... he's 18 holy mollly... Tell Aaron good luck in volleyball and keep working hard in school tooo!!ç

Love Jonny

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

He hey!

How goes it? everything is going great over here in Blufields. The rain has stopped and i really miss it actually ! ahha its so hot. After i write im gonna buy some ice cream for sure.
The Package.... Um i don't think there is any else i really need. My companion was wondering if you could send a cd player but there are cd players here a bout the same price. hmmm there's not much else i need need. just whatever you want to send. The house im in has a stove so if you wanna send something cookable you can (we don't have a oven though). I Bought a pillow so no worries about sending one i have one! (thats why there is about 10 or 12 dollars missing from my bank account if you were wondering)

Wow i cant believe Jimmy is done! This week we traveled to Managua for a Missionary Conference. Every conference the missionaries that are leaving get up and bear their testimonies. Elder Fergueson bore his testimony. It was really good to here his testimony. Afterwards he told me that he felt weird bearing his testimony because hes pretty much done with his mission. Ah i have so much time left but it will fly by. It already is flying by...

Hmm so some small earthshakes lately in cali? Hey was there a big earthquake recently somewhere in the world?? a lot of people died or wat? hmmm kinda scary stuff.. Dang im jealous! i wanna go ice skating! its so hot here it would be great to be in the snow again..

So how is the fam? rachel burnt her knee and finger? ouch that must have hurt .. How is Ryan with the surgery? Jordan finishing strong in school? keep me posted on aaron's success with vb
How is dad with work? still a bit depressed or enjoying it?
Most important... How are you mom? still busy a ever with the RS and the responsibilities of the house and kids and everything thing in between??
Hope all is well .. my week went well. We went to the conference and learned a lot of stuff. Pres Fraatz talked to us for ever but it was good. He ended off talking about how the mission shapes the people we will be and the type of family we will have and create. He taught that he has his family planted and fastened in the gospel because of his mission experience. IF we learn obedience in the mission we will have obedient families... it was a good day. The trip to Managua is pretty awesome. 2 hours in a boat "panga" and about 6 in a bus. its nuts .. but fun with the missionaries here they are hilarious. we had 3 baptisms Saturday. 2 of them were unplanned "milagros" or "miracles"

No worries about food or clothes here. its all covered.... well g2g

Love JT
ps ¡si, you comería carne de tortuga otra vez!

Friday, January 15, 2010

Bluefields is awesome. There are a lot of Black people here which means there are a lot of American things too. Which is pretty nice lol. Um Bluefiels is really pretty, right on the ocean. The view is absolutely amazing. Theres only 2 problems here. The electricity and the water. The power goes out a lot here. LAst night it wnet out and we thought we wouldnt be able to write but it came back on. The water is bad here( and in all of nicaragua).

Oooooo coool experience yesterday.. or saturday. I tried a new food ive never had before. Carne de Tortuga. Turtle!!! haha it was really interesting. The meat tastes pretty normal but the part that is around the meat is all soft and kinda chewy. I think it was the fin but im not totally sure. anyways its crazy awesome here

lol love jonny boy

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Well everything is going outstanding here!! I got changed to Bluefields on the east coast! My new comp is Elder Contreras. He is great! He has great desire to work really really hard and we have a lot of success here. We are working way hard every day and everynite we hit the bed half dead. He is way excited to do the Lord's work and it is really refreshing to have this new companion whose on fire! I'm loving it here in blue fields despite all the rain.

I'm doing a lot better mentally no need to worry about me. I'm having so much success with the language right now. Everyday I open my mouth and talk and talk a lot more than I ever did in Jinotega. Im pretty sure I've talked more spanish in 4 days here than iIhave in 6 weeks in Jinotega. I've already had some great experiences too.

On sunday we did divisions with the youth and I was with eric and bismark. We went around to members and RC (recent convert) so I could get to know them and also we went to a few investigators too. At one Rc family house we got there and when we arrivedI wanted to teach about Keeping the sabbath day holy. After we had sang a hymn and had the opening prayer I didn't teach about the sabbath day. I was prompted to teach about service and how Christ did the greatest service for us and we can serve him by keeping his commandments and serving our neighbors. It was an awesome lesson and the spirit filled the room. I know that I was guided by the spirit to teach that lesson. I know this is the Lords work and we have to do it in his way. I could have taught a good lesson on the sabbath day but it wouldn't have been worth nearly as much as the lesson that was taught by the holy ghost.

Everything is going really great for me right now. I'm not depressed like I was before cuase we are working hard now. g2g
Love Jonny